New Room Interior

Maria Rasmussen of Mias Interior

As an interior designer, I love inspiring and creative rooms. My webpage, New Room Interior, offers simple interior assistance on the web and lets costumers all over the world order fully furnished floor plans, in just a few steps. As a consultant, I help them find a style that fits their home by designing layouts and interior spaces that are functional. This is a great start to refurbishing any room, either on their own or with the help of local craftsmen. I draw vision from light, dusty colors, and stylish cozy spaces.

My home is filled with old furniture and pastel colors. I need a comfortable space to be creative and concentrate on my work. It’s no secret that I love light tones of blue, green, and hot chocolate. My kids are my biggest inspiration - I work from home just to be with them, so my workspace revolves around them.

Like every other creative individual, I have to have my planner and fresh flowers in my space. When I'm working, my workspace is covered in flipbooks of test colors, to-do lists, and drawings floating all over the living room.

I love the fact that I'll pretty soon be able to work wherever I want. It has been my goal ever since I started New Room Interior and I inch closer to it every day. I love to travel with my family and get a lot of inspiration out of it, so being able to bring my computer and work anywhere in the world is a dream coming true.




Maria Rasmussen